2. Field Classes

Field instances are used to represent extension parameters. A Field can read and write XML representations of values, generate HTML representations of values, or present HTML forms that permit the user to update the value of the field. There are several classes derived from Field that you can use in extension classes. If none of those classes satisfy your needs, you can create a new class derived from Field.

A Field may have a title, which is used when presenting the Field to the user. The title need not be a valid Python identifier. For example, the RSHTarget class has a host parameter whose title is Remote Host Name. When accessing an instance of this class, the programmer refers to self.host. In the GUI, however, the user will see the value presented as Remote Host Name.

A Field may have an associated description, which is a longer explanation of the Field and its purpose. This information is presented to the user by the GUI.

A Field may have a default value. The default value is used if no argument is provided for the field when the extension is initialized.

This example code from RSHTarget shows how a Field is constructed:

 remote_shell = qm.fields.TextField(
        title="Remote Shell Program",
        description="""The path to the remote shell program.

         The name of the program that can be used to create a
         remote shell.  This program must accept the same command
         line arguments as the 'rsh' program.""",


See the internal documentation for Field for complete interface documentation.

2.1. Built-In Field Classes

QMTest comes with several useful field classes:

2.2. Writing Field Classes

Before writing any code, you should decide what kind of data your field class will store. For example, will your field class store arbitrary strings? Or only strings that match a particular regular expression? Or will your field class store images? Once you have decided this question, you can write the Validate function for your field class. This function checks an input value (a Python object) for validity. Validate can return a modified version of the value. For example, if the field stores strings, you could choose to accept an integer as an input to Validate and convert the integer to a string before returning it.

The FormatValueAsHtml function produces an HTML representation of the value. You must define this function so that the GUI can display the value of the field. The style parameter indicates how the value should be displayed. If the style is new or edit, the HTML representation returned should be a form that the user can use to set the value. If the user does not modify the form, ParseFormValue should yield the value that was provided to FormatValueAsHtml.

The MakeDomNodeForValue and GetValueFromDomNode functions convert values to and from XML format. The FormatValueAsText and ParseTextValue functions convert to and from plain text. As with FormatValueAsHtml and ParseFormValue, these pairs of functions should be inverses of one another.

The ParseTextValue, ParseFormValue, and GetValueFromDomNode functions should use Validate to check that the values produced are permitted by the Field. In this way, derived classes that want to restrict the set of valid values, but are otherwise content to use the base class functionality, need only provide a new implementation of Validate.

All of the functions which read and write Field values may raise exceptions if they cannot complete their tasks. The caller of the Field is responsible for handling the exception if it occurs.