8. Hosts

A number of test classes delegate the execution of executables to a dedicated Host class, for example to allow parts of the test to be run on a different platform (such as when cross-compiling and cross-testing). To achieve that, a number of Host subclasses are provided that can be used to execute code in different ways. Typically, a test class will query the Host instance to use from a context variable.

8.1. local_host.LocalHost

A LocalHost is the machine on which Python is running.

8.2. ssh_host.SSHHost

An SSHHost is accessible via ssh or a similar program. The SSHHost host uses the following parameters.

host_name (text field)

The name of the remote host.

ssh_program (text field)

The path to the remote shell program.

ssh_args (set field)

The arguments to the remote shell program.

scp_program (text field)

The path to the remote copy program.

scp_args (set field)

The arguments to the remote copy program.

default_dir (text field)

The default directory on the remote system.

8.3. ssh_host.RSHHost

An RSHHost is a SSHHost that uses rsh instead of ssh.

8.4. simulator.Simulator

A Simulator is a semi-hosted simulation environment. The Simulator host uses the following parameters.

simulator (text field)

The simulation program.

simulator_args (set field)

Arguments to the simulation program.