9. qmtest register

9.1. Summary

Register an extension class.

9.2. Synopsis

qmtest register kind class-name

9.3. Description

The qmtest register registers an extension class with QMTest. As part of this process, QMTest will load your extension class. If the extension class cannot be loaded, QMTest will tell you what went wrong.

QMTest will search for your extension class in the directories it would search when running tests, including those given by the environment variable QMTEST_CLASS_PATH.

The kind argument tells QMTest what kind of extension class you are registering. If you invoke qmtest register with no arguments it will provide you with a list of the available extension kinds.

The class-name argument gives the name of the class in the form module.Class. QMTest will look for a file whose basename is the module name and whose extension is either py, pyc, or pyo.