C++ Boost

Advanced concepts


Tools provide an object-oriented model around actions. For example, an abstract compiler tool may provide different methods to compile and link code. Concrete compilers may then provide implementations of that base class, and run the appropriate command for the respective platform. That substitution can happen during the build process, while the build logic encoded in the fabscript is strictly platform-agnostic.

Let's augment the original Hello World ! example to illustrate this. Faber provides a few built-in tools, such as C and C++ compilers. The abstract interface may look like:

class cxx(object):

    compile = action()
    link = action()

which allows fabscripts to reference cxx.compile when defining rules:

obj = rule(cxx.compile, 'hello.o', 'hello.cpp')

faber also provides specific compilers implementing the above interface, for example:

class gxx(cxx):

    compile = action('g++ -c -o $(<) $(>)')

allowing the build system to later substitute gxx.compile where cxx.compile was requested. For each reference to an abstract tool, faber will attempt to instantiate a suitable concrete tool matching the currently active feature set. Thus it's possible to request a specific compiler on the command line:

$ faber cxx.name=gxx

Tools may also be instantiated explicitly in a config file, allowing for additional configuration (such as specific paths or flags):

gxx11 = gxx(name='g++11', features=cxxflags('--std=c++11'))

Here, we defined a new gxx instance using an additional flag ==std=c++11, and gave it the name g++11. To select that from the command line, we would invoke:

$ faber cxx.name=g++11

You may also want to set up a gxx instance to configure a cross-compiler:

mingwxx = gxx(name='mingw++', command=`/usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-g++`)

and then cross-compile by invoking:

$ faber cxx.name=mingw++

Implicit rules

While simple build pipelines may be declared using rules, this leads to a lot of repitition as very similar rules would need to be declared to compile all source files into object files, for example. To simplify this, implicit rules can be provided by tools, which don't declare how to make a specific artefact from a source (or prerequisite artefact), but rather how a certain artefact type (e.g., an object file) can be generated from a source (or artefact) type (such as a C or C++ source file). Higher-order artefacts such as library or binary can then request that the appropriate implicit rules are instantiated into ordinary rules to make a library or a binary without the user having to spell out all the intermediate artefacts.

This is done in a tool's constructor. For example, the gxx constructor calls:

implicit_rule(self.compile, types.obj, types.cxx)
implicit_rule(self.archive, types.lib, types.obj)
implicit_rule(self.link, types.bin, (types.obj, types.dso, types.lib))
implicit_rule(self.link, types.dso, (types.obj, types.dso, types.lib))

to register four implicit rules:

  • one to build an object file from a C++ source file using a compile action
  • one to build a static library from one or more object files using an archive action
  • one to build a binary from object files, as well as shared and static libs using a link action
  • one to build a shared library from object files, as well as shared and static libs using a link action

Composite artefacts

In previous sections we dealt with artefacts that mostly correspond directly to files, built by specific commands. While this model appeals through its simplicity, it is not very portable: Most actions depend heavily on the platforms they are to be executed on. Furthermore, depending on the platform / tools, different intermediate artefacts may need to be built.

Let's consider again the case of a binary using a library. But instead of referring explicitly to the library's file name (which may differ depending on the platform, as well as whether or not it is compiled as a shared or a static library), we use a composite artefact to encapsulate those details. We use a new library rule to define it:

from faber.artefacts.library import *
greet = library('greet', 'greet.cpp')

The library() call looks similar to the rule() call: xxx artefact and a sources argument, and returns the artefact instance. However, the artefact's name (greet.name) doesn't necessarily correspond to the filename. The precise build instructions are fully encapsulated inside the artefact, and will take into account both the (target) platform as well as the tool and features selected when the build was started.

Similarly, to use the library, you can pass greet as source to any dependent rule or artefact, and the build logic will determine the precise action sequence to use it:

from faber.artefacts.binary import *
hello = binary('hello', ['hello.cpp', greet])

Then, to build this with greet as shared library (.so on UNIX, .dll on Windows), call faber link=shared. To build this as a static library (.a on UNIX, .lib on Windows), use faber link=static.

Modular builds

Once projects become large enough, it becomes useful to modularize the code as well as the build instructions. Consider a case where we want to build a library as well as a binary that is using that library. Both live in separate directories:


The fabscript for the subproject is simply a stripped-down version of our previous version, as it now only builds the greet library:

from faber.artefacts.library import *

greet = library('greet', 'greet.cpp')

default = greet

The toplevel fabscript now includes that sub-project by virtue of a module:

from faber.artefacts.binary import binary

subdir = module('subdir')

hello = binary('hello', ['hello.cpp', subdir.greet])

rule(action('test', '$(>)'), 'test', hello, attrs=notfile|always)

default = hello

Notice how the call to module('subdir') returns the module object, through which we can access nested artefacts (and other variables). The binary rule can now directly reference the subdir.greet library as one of its sources, and the right thing will happen.